martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Breadmaking process

1 - Wheat flour.

2 - Sal

3 - Water. During winter hot water is used to make dough rise before.

4 - or hurmiento sourdough. The sourdough or hurmiento, is the mass that is left from the previous day, to take bread
consistency and ferment.

5 - the mixture is kneaded with the hurmiento.

6 - yeast is made ​​undone. You take the leaven "the piece", this depends on each baker to climb before bread. Yeast is referred to any of various unicellular microscopic fungi which are important for their ability to perform the carbohydrate fermentaciónde producing various substances. One of the best known is yeast species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). This yeast has the ability to grow anaerobically.

7 - Knead.

8 - Mass list

9 - Cut and weighs. As in this case even the old scales are used.

10 - He hine mass, this is a ball to be compacte.Heñir. (From the lat. Fingere). 1. tr. Knead the dough with your fists, especially the bread.

11 - Let stand a specific time without letting it pass.

12 - It shapes depending on what you want to do, stick, loaf, etc..

13 - are placed on the upper surface and cut., That will not break the dough.

14 - He goes into the oven at a temperature of 220 º wise up.

15 - is removed.

16th-Pan ready for consumption.

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