jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

Perception of death

There are a lots of perception of the death, Im gonna talk of three.

First are the egyptians with the mummification, they believe that after the death there is another life, the death is just a step of the real life, so they give everything that could be useful for them, in his long travel.

Second the Catholics thinks that death is bad, and everybody gets sad because, they won't see their parents again, and they go hell or sky depends of what you did on your life if you did a good things, you will go to sky because you were a good person, In other hand if you were bad person you will get eternal punishment on the hell.

And third, the tibetans think that the death is that, when you're dead, you will get like vital energy to the nature, so they pick up the dead bodies and scarf all over the body, leaving it in parts, then the vultures eat the body, after that they throw away the dust of your bones underground.

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