martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Why didn't I decide studying it

Well, to start I wanna clarify that I don't like the careers that everyone want to study, like business Admin, Systems engineer or international business, that doesn't mean that I can't respect those. Then, What I like is the question, I like something that you don't have to stay in front of a computer, or stay all time in an office, because I think that the life, is more than an office or just waste time in four walls.

Personally I like Biology and Philosophy, and read a lot of differents things.
In case of biology I like dive underwater or veterinarian way, In other hand, Phlisophy, I prefer all of it like a whole.

Really my essential objetive, is leave something good for humanity or something that contribute, I mean something in pro of people generally, not in the fame way, else the way of make something that make at least something good to my family, and be able to help my friends when they need it.